Tuesday 9 February 2010

Bonus Banger!

Please feel free to vote for which sausage you'd like to hear about in a Bonus Review before the end of the month.

You can find the poll on the left side of this page, and you can vote for more than one sausage if you can't decide on just one.

The reason I've decided to do this is to reduce the backlog of sausages in the freezer - and nothing to do with the fact that they all look absolutely delicious!


Wartime Housewife said...

For dinner tonight, we tried Porky Whites Surrey Pork Sausage. They were reduced from £2.37 to a mere £1.25 so we had to give them a go.

I'm not sure, a bit thready, and would value a professional opinion (at some point - I know you have a sausage backlog)

Rate My Sausage said...

Hi there Wifey!

I have to say that first, I am no professional, and secondly, I've never heard of Porky Whites! I'll look them up, thanks for the info.

Percy Weiper said...

I am most surprised to learn that there is such a thing as a Surrey Sausage. I associate Surrey with vegetarians and airline food.

I shall visit there and try to find one.

Rate My Sausage said...

You give yourself away Perce, but you're still more than welcome at Rate My Sausage!

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.

Rate My Sausage said...

You're welcome Anon, even though I guess you won't be crediting us in your work.

Rate My Sausage - the student's fourth emergency service.

Wartime Housewife said...

Brilliant last comment RMS!

Rate My Sausage said...

Thanks chuck.