Thursday 26 September 2019

Player Profile - Lee Horsley Frost

Welcome to the second of our "player profiles" in which we find out more about sausage fans and producers, in the style of Shoot football magazine in the seventies. This time we've been speaking to that gobby butcher from Manchester, Lee Horsley Frost, read on to have a look inside his head...

Full name? Lee Frost, you daft ****

How old are you? 46

What was your first car? Cavalier

Where were you born? Manchester

What pets do you have? Labradors, black

What’s your favourite type of sausage? Pork & sage or a Lincolnshire. Must use British large white pigs, the meat is nice and fatty. Texture should be fine.

Which shop do you buy sausages from most often? Never bought a sausage in my life! 

Should sausages be dirt cheap or reassuringly expensive? Reassuringly expensive.

Invent a new type of sausage: We’re working on a chilli and chocolate sausage at the moment, but it needs some more work...

Which non-politician should be the UK Prime Minister? Alan Sugar.

Which 3 people, alive or dead, would you like to cook sausages for on your BBQ? Elvis, Lady Gaga, Sophie Raworth.

Would you prefer to be a billionaire or live to 103? Billionaire.

In what profession would you like to be the world’s best? Something to do with sports shooting

Blackjack or Fruit Salad? Fruit Salad.

Beatles or Stones? **** the Beatles, bunch of ******* scallies.

Clouseau or Poirot? Clouseau.

Tiswas or Swap Shop? Tiswas.

Alan Titchmarsh or Charlie Dimmock? Alan Titchmarsh, top man.

Frosty is a good sport and a self-proclaimed legend on Twitter - @FrostyButcher - but he does find some time to produce seriously good meat products including SUPERB sausages. Check our review then phone him up to order some:

If you would like to feature in a future edition please get in touch!

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