Tuesday 19 April 2016

Beers Of The Americas vs Sausages - Part 2 of 4

For a review of the scoring system have a look here - Scoring System


Number 3 - Barbados

Flavour - Kinda weak. Also kinda fruity - elderberries? He liked it, she didn't. Score 4.5

Head - Very disappointing, put some effort in woman! Changed the way we did the test after this beer. 2.5

Alcohol By Volume - 4.7

Looks - The bottle looked rummy. Piratical. Captain Morgan she wondered. Who? he asked. 2

Value For Money - 3.02

It's Personal - No points.

Beer/Sausage/Combo/Factor - Not the best, too citrusy, 1.5

Gas - 0

Website - Banks Brewery

Total - 18.22


Number 4 - USA

Flavour - Rich. Almost too thick. NOT a beer you could drink a lot of in one sitting. Initially awesome stout-like flavour, but extremely filling. Grippy! Score 7

Head - What do Brooklyn Insulated and Vince Vaughan have in common? They both have massive heads. Impressive. 4.25

Alcohol By Volume - 5.6

Looks - Loved the colour scheme on the label but not so much the logo. Beer looks like molten licorice. Like angry Guinness. 3.25

Value For Money - 3.20

It's Personal - No points awarded for the US of A.

Beer/Sausage/Combo/Factor - Made us want more sausage! A match made in heaven, This beer would look fabulous in the background of an advert for quality sausages 4.25

Gas - 2

Website - Brooklyn Brewery

Total - 29.55 and straight to the top of the scoreboard at the half-way point!



1 - USA - 29.55
2 - Mexico - 24.52
3 - Barbadoss - 18.22
4 - Argentina - 15.80

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