Monday 29 October 2012

Win Redhill Farm Sausages!

In honour of British Sausage Week 2012 (November 5 to 11), Rate My Sausage is offering THREE lucky readers the chance to win two packs of fabulous Redhill Farm Free Range Pork sausages (one pack of Lincolnshire sausages and one pack of Pork & Apple sausages each).  It could hardly be easier....

Simply answer this question: “Which variety of Redhill Farm Free Range Pork sausages always sell out first at farmers' markets?”  Is it:

a. Pork & Real Ale Sausages
b. Lincolnshire Sausages
c. Pork & Apple Sausages

Hint: You may find the answer somewhere in the sausages section of Redhill Farm’s website:  

1.  Send an email to
2.  Put "Redhill" in the subject line
3.  Tell us the answer (a,b, or c), your first name, initial of your surname, and the county you live in.
4  That's it!

Only one entry per email address, open to UK residents only.  Entries must be received on or before November 11, emails received after that date will not be entered in the draw.  The winners will be chosen at random from all correct entries at noon on Monday 12 November, and we will contact you by email on that date.  Winners must reply within 96 hours, otherwise the prize will be offered to another randomly chosen correct entrant.

Good luck!

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