Saturday, 25 August 2012

Sausage Safari!

Where did we go today?

RMS hopped on the train for a long overdue sausage safari.  We're aiming to visit farmers' markets to source new bangers, and today we hit the jackpot.  We've visited this town before, a couple of years ago, and it was a lovely day out searching for sausages.

There "may" be a clue in the photo above?  It's a super little town which I always really enjoy visiting, and I always tell myself that I'll come back soon.  And the Minster Tavern is a welcoming place for a post-hunt pint before you take the train homeward....

Here's the haul....six sausages to review. and some ace looking eggs from Manor Farm.

A great trip, enough bangers to keep me going for weeks, and I heartily recommend this cathedral town to you.  Visit as soon as you can!