Tuesday 19 July 2011

Which European Country Makes The Best Beer To Drink When You’re Eating Sausages Challenge - Part 3 of 4

Number 5
Next up in the “Which European Country Makes The Best Beer To Drink When You’re Eating Sausages Challenge” is Ethiopia.  Yes, I know....

Country - Ethiopia
Beer – St George Beer
ABV – 4.5%
Flavour – Hints of hop, but not enough going on.  Quaffable.  5.5
Head – Weak, soon gone.  1

Looks – Gory death scene of dragon.  Arabic writing.  Good.  3
Better Than Fosters? Y  2
BSCF – Just average.  Prob don’t go for a European imposter. (Not sure what we meant here). Do they have sausages in Ethiopia?  2
Do Flies Like It? 0
Score – 18.0


Number 6

“Here Come The Belgians!” as Stuart Hall used to bellow on It’s A Knockout, all those years ago.  I wonder if Eddie Waring liked a pint and a sausage?

Country - Belgium
Beer – Affligem Dubbel
ABV – 6.8%
Flavour  - Smoky, heavy, intense, breathy, hardcore.  6.5
Head – Dark.  Intimidating.  Hung round like the hard kid outside the school disco.  4

Looks – Dark.  Intimidating.  Styx in a bottle.  4
Better Than Fosters? Oh damn Y.  2
BSCF – Doesn’t like sharing anything with anyone.  It says “Grrr”.  2
Do Flies Like It?  0
Score – 25.3

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