Sunday 17 July 2011

Which European Country Makes The Best Beer To Drink When You’re Eating Sausages Challenge - Part One Of Four

Number – 1
First up was the Dutch entry.  Surely a good benchmark for the entire field would be set?

Country - Holland
Beer – Lindeboom Pilsener
ABV - 5.0%
Flavour – Mild.  Quaffable.  Passive.  6
Head – Impressive when fecund, shrank quickly.  2

Looks – Green.  Boom is Dutch for beer!!  I want orange!  2.5

Better Than Fosters?  Yes!  2

BSCF – 2.5

Do Flies Like It? 0

Score – 20.0


Number – 2

Ahhh, Luxembourg.  Tiny place.  Very wee indeed.  Been there, wasn’t impressed.  But how would their beer measure up?

Country – Luxembourg

Beer - Bofferding

ABV – 4.8%

Flavour – Tasted slightly flat.  Sharp, tangy flavour, otherwise unremarkable.  5

Head - 0

Looks – Simple.  Uncluttered.  A little boring?  3
Better Than Fosters?  Y  2
BSCF – Beer faded quickly.  3
Do Flies Like It?  0
Score – 17.8

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